A2J Guided Interview®

After completing the A2J Guided Interview® and the corresponding research, submit your work to Professor Staudt. Professor Staudt will then assign A2J Guided Interviews® to other students for peer review. The students will fill in the Testing Report and return to Professor Staudt, who will subsequently review the completed and tested A2J Guided Interview®. After both reviews, revision suggestions will be provided to the creator. The creator will then revise their A2J Guided Interview® accordingly.

A2J Guided Interviews® will be peer reviewed. Be ready to share your work with a classmate for peer review and testing on November 8. Final interviews should be posted to the A2J Guided Interview® sub-category by November 15.

A2J Guided Interview® Templates»

Sample A2J Guided Interviews®»

Sample Testing Reports»

Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer

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Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer

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